Consultation outcomes

Data collection to inform funding for 2020-21: Responses to feedback and confirmation of approach

In ‘Data collections to inform funding for 2020-21: Notification of changes’ (OfS 2019.27), we announced, and invited comment on, changes to the collection of data to inform funding for 2020-21, through the 2019 Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES19) and Higher Education Students Forecast 2020-21 (HESF20) surveys. We particularly invited comments on changes to how years of instance are assigned to price groups for funding purposes.

This document:

  • sets out feedback on the responses we received and
  • announces a small number of changes to the guidance on price group assignments that we will make as a result.

The Annex to this document contains updated mappings of subject codes to price groups, reflecting these changes, and supersedes the annex to OfS 2019.27 previously published.

OfS 2019.31
22 August 2019

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