7th meeting of the OfS board, 28 January 2019

Agenda and associated papers

1 Chair's welcome

2.1 Approval of December 2018 minutes

3.1 Chief executive’s report

Annex B cannot be published for copyright reasons.

4.1 (a) Monitoring, intervention and sanctions for registered providers

A paper concerning the proposed approach the OfS will take in carrying out its regulatory activities

Exempt from publication – the key aspects of the OfS’s public and private engagement have already been published in the Regulatory framework (OfS 2018.01).

4.1 (b) Intervention to prevent disorderly exit for registered providers

A paper concerning the OfS’s proposed approach to early intervention to prevent disorderly exit

Exempt from publication – policy in development. The proposals in this paper will inform our regulatory approach.

5.1 Presentation on the financial health of the sector

A paper to inform a presentation about the current financial health of the higher education sector, the potential external developments and how the OfS is considering this in registration assessments

A report on the financial health of the sector has now been published.

6.1 Risk management

A paper to inform the board on the OfS’s risk management process and an update on its strategic risks

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Summary risk information will be published in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

7.1 Report from the Risk and Audit Committee held on 13 December

A report on the work of the OfS’s Risk and Audit Committee

8.1 Report from the Provider Risk Committee held on 10 December and oral report from 18 January meeting

A report on the work of the OfS’s Provider Risk Committee

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information

9.1 Report from the Quality Assessment Committee held on 13 December

10.1 Period 9 Finance report

An update to the board on the OfS’s Programme and Administration funding

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Full financial disclosure will be made in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

11.1 Actions to improve board effectiveness at the OfS

A paper following up on earlier board effectiveness discussions and options for changes in practice

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. We will publish this paper in January 2020.

12.1 Report from the Remuneration and Nominations Committee held on 6 December

A report to board members only on the work of the OfS’s Remuneration and Nominations Committee

Exempt from publication - contains personal information. Relevant salary data will be published in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

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