13th meeting of the OfS board, 28 January 2020

Agenda and associated papers

1.1 Chair's welcome

2.1 Approval of November 2019 minutes

3.1 Chief executive's report

Annex A exempt from publication - policy in development. We will publish our next business plan in summer 2020.

Annex C exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Summary risk information will be published in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

Annex E cannot be published for copyright reasons.

4.1 Preserving provision framework

A presentation on a possible framework for preserving specific provision in higher education.

Exempt from publication – policy in development. Further details will be issued in due course should the OfS decide to develop a policy. 

5.1 HESA Data Futures update

A paper updating the board on the HESA Data Futures programme.

Exempt from publication – commercially sensitive information. 

6.1 Access and participation – implementation of the reforms

A paper detailing the implementation of our outcomes-based approach to regulating access and participation.

Exempt from publication – policy in development. We will publish this paper after we publish our consultation on the review of funding for access and participation which we expect to be in spring 2020.

7.1 Reducing higher education carbon emissions

8.1 Outcomes of board effectiveness review

A paper setting out the outcomes of the 2019 survey carried out to seek the views of members on the effectiveness of the OfS board.

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information.

9.1 Finance report

An update to the board on the OfS’s programme and administration funding.

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information. Full financial disclosure will be made in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

10.1 Oral report from the Student Panel

11.1 Report from the Provider Risk Committee

A report on the work of the OfS’s Provider Risk Committee.

Exempt from publication – locally sensitive information.

12.1 Report from the Quality Assessment Committee

13.1 Report from the Risk and Audit Committee

14.1 Report from the Horizon Scanning Panel

15.1 Oral report from the Remuneration and Nominations Committee

Published 20 February 2020

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