33rd meeting of the OfS board, 30 March 2023

Agenda and associated papers

1.1 Chair's welcome

2.1 Approval of minutes from 3 February 2023 board meeting

3.1 Chief executive's report

Annex A: Proposed changes to the OfS Scheme of delegation
Exempt from publication – legally privileged information. The latest scheme of delegation is available on our board webpage.

Annex B: OfS Strategic risks and principal corporate risks
Exempt from publication. Summary risk information will be published in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

Annex C: Media and communications review
This cannot be published for copyright reasons.

4.1 Changes to the role of the Quality Assessment Committee

5.1 Prevent duty: monitoring of compliance by the OfS

A paper to the board summarising the findings of an independent review of the Prevent duty and the potential impact on the OfS’s monitoring role.

Exempt from publication – sensitive information. 

6.1 Outcomes of board effectiveness review

A paper updating the board on the outcomes of a review of its own effectiveness.

Exempt from publication – sensitive information.

7.1 Finance report

An update to the board on the OfS’s Programme and Administration funding.

Exempt from publication – sensitive information. Full financial disclosure will be made in the OfS’s annual report and accounts.

8.1 Student panel update

Minutes from previous panel meetings are available on our student panel webpage.

9.1 Oral report from the Provider Risk Committee

An oral report to the board summarising the outcomes of the Provider Risk Committee meeting held on 20 March 2023.

10.1 Report from the Quality Assessment Committee

11.1 Report from the Risk and Audit Committee

Published 11 October 2023

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