42nd meeting of the OfS board, 2 December 2024
Agenda and associated papers
1 Restricted: Remuneration and Nominations committee report
A confidential report of directors’ and chief executive's performance at mid-year.
Considered to be exempt from publication.
2 Chair's welcome
3 Minutes of the meeting of 9 October 2024
4 Draft OfS strategy
Papers containing the foreword to the consultation, the draft strategy, and the proposed ‘I statements’ for the board to comment on.
Considered to be exempt from publication. The consultation and draft strategy were published on 12 December 2024.
5 An integrated approach to quality
A paper setting out plans for an integrated quality system, according to a recommendation in the OfS Public Bodies Review.
Considered to be exempt from publication – policy in development.
6 OfS data strategy
A presentation of the data strategy for the board to comment on.
Considered to be exempt from publication – policy in development.
7 Independent review of Data Futures
An update on Jisc's delivery of the Data Futures programme and the draft report from the independent review of Data Futures.
Considered to be exempt from publication. The final Data Futures independent review was published on 29 January 2025.
8 Consultation on changes to requirements for registration
A paper setting out proposals for a consultation on two new initial conditions of registration (management and governance and consumer protection) and changes to the registration process.
Considered to be exempt from publication – the consultation on reforms to OfS registration requirements was published on 6 February 2025.
9 Preparing for higher education legislation
An overview of the proposals for legislation that the OfS is working on with the Department for Education.
Considered to be exempt from publication – policy in development.
10 Risk report
The latest report on the current strategic and principal corporate risks.
Considered to be exempt from publication. A summary of risks will be published in the 2024-25 annual report.
11 Report from the Risk and Audit Committee
12 Restricted item
13 Chief executive's report
14 OfS performance report
A quantitative report of our core regulatory work.
Considered to be exempt from publication. Relevant data will be published in the 2024-25 annual report.
15 OfS finance and resources report
An update on the financial position of the OfS.
Considered to be exempt from publication. Relevant data will be published in the 2024-25 annual report.
16 Report from the Provider Risk Committee
A report summarising the October committee meeting.
Considered to be exempt from publication due to commercial sensitivities.
17 Report from the Quality Assessment Committee
18 Restricted: Remuneration and Nominations committee report
A report summarising the November 2024 committee meeting.
Considered to be exempt from publication. Relevant data will be published in the 2024-25 annual report.
19 Political context
A paper to support the board’s understanding of the political and policy context for the OfS’s work.
Considered to be exempt from publication.
20 Student context
A paper to support the board's understanding of the student context for the OfS's work and to provide a summary of student insights and engagement.
Considered to be exempt from publication.
21 Sector context
A paper to support the board’s understanding of the sector context for the OfS’s work.
Considered to be exempt from publication.
Forward plan for board business
A plan of the business of the board.
Considered to be exempt from publication.
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