Part 2: Proposals for new initial condition E7 - Effective governance
Published 06 February 2025
Other questions about this consultation
Question 7: How clear are the requirements of proposed condition E7 as drafted at Annexes C to G? If any elements of the proposed condition are unclear, please specify which elements and provide reasons.
Question 8: How clear and helpful is the guidance as drafted at Annexes C to G? If any elements of the draft guidance are unclear or could be more helpful, please specify which elements and provide reasons.
Question 9: Do you foresee any unintended consequences resulting from the proposals in this consultation? If so, please indicate what you think these are and the reasons for your view.
Question 10: Are there any aspects of these proposals you found unclear? If so, please specify which, and tell us why.
Question 11: In your view, are there ways in which the policy objectives discussed in this consultation could be delivered more efficiently or effectively than proposed here?
Question 12: Do you have any comments about the potential impact of these proposals on individuals on the basis of their protected characteristics?
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