
Part 3: Proposals for changes to registration application requirements

Published 06 February 2025

Proposal 1: To determine requirements for registration applications under section 3(5) of HERA

What are we proposing?

We propose to issue a decision under section 3(5) of HERA,5 which would establish certain requirements for an application for OfS registration. These requirements would include:

  • proposed documentation and information to be submitted as part of a provider’s initial application for registration, and during the course of the registration process. Where we propose new submission requirements that are in addition to those set out in our existing registration guidance these are explained in detail in Proposals 2 and 3 and in the proposals for new initial conditions C5 and E7. The proposed notice that would contain all requirements is attached as Annex A.
  • a proposed list of matters that a provider must report to the OfS during the registration process to ensure that the information submitted remains materially up to date. The detailed proposed requirements are set out in Proposal 4.

5 See Higher Education and Research Act 2017.

  1. We frequently receive registration applications that do not contain all the information we need and that do not follow the registration guidance. This results in inefficient use of OfS resources and those of the provider concerned, as we need to engage with each other, sometimes repeatedly. This creates knock-on delays to our assessment of well-prepared and complete applications that are subsequently submitted.
  2. The objectives of this proposal are:
    1. To set out the requirements for a provider’s initial submission of its registration application in one place to support providers to prepare applications correctly.
    2. To set out the submission requirements associated with proposed new initial conditions C5 and E7.
    3. To set out, as far as possible, the information we are likely to need during our assessment of a provider’s registration application, not just in its initial submission, to reduce the amount of clarification and further information needed during our assessment and so reduce avoidable delays.
    4. To enable the OfS to quickly and efficiently reject registration applications that do not contain all the information required to enable us to assess whether a provider meets the eligibility requirements and initial conditions of registration, driving up standards of applications.
    5. To prioritise our resources on those providers that submit applications that fulfil our information submission requirements and minimise the amount of time we spend on those that do not.
  3. To achieve these objectives, we propose to introduce requirements under section 3(5) of HERA to ensure that all registration applications include the information the OfS needs to make a decision on registration.
  4. Section 3(5) of HERA6 grants the OfS the authority to determine the form of an application for registration, the information to be contained in it or provided with it, and the manner in which an application for registration may be submitted.
  5. Under the proposed requirements, we could reject incomplete applications, streamlining the process and reducing the need for extensive back-and-forth with a provider. If deficiencies are not addressed within a defined timeframe, an application could be swiftly rejected. This approach would provide a clear and unambiguous signal to providers to ensure that they are prepared before submitting an application.
  6. We think that by efficiently rejecting applications that do not meet the registration requirements, we can focus our efforts on assessing applications from providers that have been well prepared and contain the required information.
  7. We think that the approach we have set out in Proposal 1 will support us to achieve our objectives. However, we think that this proposal would need to work in conjunction with some of the other proposals in Part 3 of this consultation to be fully effective. The proposed restriction on the resubmission of a registration application if a provider has received a final decision to refuse its application (Proposal 5) would, together with Proposal 1, provide an even stronger incentive for a provider to engage carefully with registration requirements and consider its readiness to submit a registration application.

6 See Higher Education and Research Act 2017.

  1. We propose that the requirements for a registration application would be set out in a notice under section 3(5) of HERA that specifies the manner and form of a provider’s application for registration and the information to be contained in or provided with it. This would include:
    1. A full list of the documentation and information to be submitted as part of a provider’s initial application for registration and during the course of the registration process.
    2. A list of matters that a provider must report during the registration process in order to ensure that the information submitted remains materially up to date.
  2. The notice would also include a requirement that the information contained in a provider’s registration application, or provided with it, must be accurate. We clarify how we would treat applications containing inaccurate information in the blue box at paragraph 31.
  3. The proposed section 3(5) Notice is set out in Annex A of this document (Part 3 of the consultation). The requirements of the proposed notice are explained in detail together with the alternative options considered in Proposals 2, 3 and 4. This notice also includes the proposed submission requirements for proposed new initial conditions C5 and E7. The requirements themselves are explained in the consultations about the initial conditions (Part 1 for C5 and Part 2 for E7).
  4. Annex B of this document (Part 3 of the consultation) includes a table explaining which of the proposed elements of the section 3(5) Notice align with existing OfS registration guidance (Regulatory advice 3)7 and which elements are different, including where we propose to require new information.
  5. We propose that the section 3(5) Notice, if adopted, would apply to any new application for registration made after publication of our decisions following this consultation.
  6. We propose that it would not apply to an application from a registered provider to change its category of registration. For applications to change category of registration, we propose that we would issue a bespoke section 3(5) Notice setting out the information we required that provider to submit according to its circumstances. In general, we require a provider that is already registered with the OfS to submit less information for this type of registration application, because we already hold regulatory information about that provider through routine monitoring. For example, the OfS will already hold audited financial statements for any provider that has complied with the requirements of the OfS’s Annual Financial Return8 within the past year, so a provider would not have to resubmit these statements.
  7. A registered provider seeking to change registration category would still be able to refer to the general section 3(5) Notice to understand the maximum information likely to be required for any application.
  8. More information about how we would implement these proposals can be found in the proposal ‘How we would implement the proposals in this consultation’9 in the introduction to this consultation.
  9. We have outlined in the box below how we propose the section 3(5) Notice would operate in practice:

How would the section 3(5) Notice operate in practice?

If we were to decide to implement the proposed notice, the registration application process would operate as follows:

  1. A provider submits an application for registration.
  2. If the provider’s application is not in the manner and/or form set out in the section 3(5) Notice or does not contain the information required by the section 3(5) Notice, the OfS would issue a provisional decision to refuse registration. This decision will be presented in a standardised format, clearly explaining the reasons for the application’s refusal and how the provider has failed to comply with the OfS’s requirements for a registration application.
  3. The provider would be given the statutory 28-day period, as stipulated in section 4 of HERA,10 to make representations in relation to this decision. The period also provides an opportunity to submit any missing information and address deficiencies in the application. However, the OfS may decide to proceed to a final refusal decision if the required information is submitted but deemed insufficient or if it does not rectify the application to the necessary standard.
  4. Following the representations period, unless the provider had submitted the required information, the OfS would be likely to issue a final decision to refuse registration, unless it considered that any representations made by the provider changed its view.
  5. If a provider submits a compliant initial application but, during the registration process fails to provide additional further information as required by the OfS and within the deadlines the OfS sets, (for example the updated information in part b of the section 3(5) Notice),11 the OfS may decide to issue a provisional decision to refuse registration on the basis that the provider had not complied with the OfS’s requirements for a registration application. The provider would have a 28-day period in which to make representations about the provisional refusal decision before the OfS made any final decision to refuse registration.
  6. If a provider submits information that we believe is inaccurate, we would normally engage with the provider in the first instance to highlight the issue and discuss the reasons for it. If the inaccuracy were trivial such as a typographical or data entry error, we may simply clarify our understanding or request the correct information from the provider. However, if the inaccuracy were non-trivial and suggested an issue with the provider’s control of its information, such as its record-keeping or its ability to extract information from its own records correctly, or the general competency with which it had put the application together, we may consider it appropriate to refuse the provider registration on the basis that it had not complied with our application requirements. If we made a provisional decision to refuse registration on this basis, the provider would be given the statutory 28-day representations period during which it could provide its explanation for the inaccuracy or inaccuracies and submit the correct information.
  7. If a provider intentionally submits information that is false or misleading, we would be very likely to conclude that it had not met the ‘accuracy’ requirement set out in the notice and, as described in paragraph 24 above, we would make a provisional decision to refuse registration. In this case, even if a provider did subsequently submit accurate information as part of any representations it made, we may conclude that this did not remedy the original issue(s) with its application.

Publishing decisions to refuse registration to a provider

  1. Our current policy is that we would normally expect to publish any decision to refuse registration to a provider. This is because we consider there to be a fundamental principle that our regulation should be transparent.12 However, the OfS can use its discretion in deciding whether to publish any decision, including a decision to refuse registration. We consider a range of factors in deciding whether to publish information, including the public interest, the student interest and the provider interest in making that information public. If we adopt the proposals in this consultation, we would consider whether or not to publish any decision to refuse registration to a provider because it had not complied with the requirements for a registration application. We may consider that these factors apply differently to a situation in which a provider had not complied with the requirements of a registration application than a situation in which a provider had not satisfied one or more of the initial conditions of registration, following our assessment.

Support for providers

  1. We recognise that providers need to familiarise themselves with a substantial amount of guidance before starting to develop an application for registration. While this may initially seem challenging, we think it serves as an essential foundation, ensuring a provider has the necessary information to navigate the process effectively and meet the required standards.
  2. We currently provide the following information to support a provider applying for registration:
    1. Detailed guidance available on our website, including updated regulatory advice for the registration of English higher education providers.13
    2. Responses to individual queries from providers via correspondence, including when they request an access key to the OfS portal.
    3. Where required, calls or virtual meetings to clarify particular issues, usually after an application has been submitted.
  3. In making the proposals in Part 3 of this consultation we recognise that some providers may benefit from an opportunity to discuss their upcoming application and ensure that they have fully engaged with, and understood, the OfS’s requirements in detail. Given our proposal to introduce new submission requirements, we propose to offer the following support:
    1. A pre-application virtual meeting for any provider seeking registration. We propose to set out this offer in revised registration guidance. We would envisage setting up the meeting either at each applicant’s request, or when an applicant set up an account on our application portal (if it had not already requested the meeting).
    2. The pre-application meeting would signpost the provider to our registration guidance and all registration requirements, including the section 3(5) Notice (if we have adopted it following this consultation), and give an opportunity for the provider to ask questions and for us to provide clarifications. Our engagement will not include business or strategic advice.
  4. We may also consider other engagement and support such as webinars and workshops. In all cases we will need to balance the most effective use of our resources alongside sector needs.

Question 1a: Do you agree or disagree with the proposal that the OfS should issue a decision under section 3(5) of HERA, which would establish the requirements for an application for OfS registration? Please give reasons for your answer.

Question 1b: Do you have any comments on the proposed section 3(5) Notice set out in Annex A of Part 3 of this consultation

Question 1c: Do you agree or disagree that the proposed pre-application support would be beneficial to a provider applying for OfS registration? Please explain why.

7 See Regulatory advice 3: Registration of English higher education providers with the OfS.

8 See Regulatory advice 14: Guidance for providers for the Annual Financial Return.

9 See: Proposal: how we would implement these proposals in this consultation.

10 See Higher Education and Research Act 2017.

11 Proposed section 3(5) Notice is contained in Annex A.

12 We describe how we make decisions about what information to publish in Regulatory advice 21. See Regulatory advice 21: Publication of information.

13 See Regulatory advice 3: Registration of English higher education providers with the OfS.

  1. We considered whether alternative options would enable us to achieve the objectives we have set out in paragraph 17. These alternatives are set out in Annex C:
    1. continuing the current arrangements
    2. offering enhanced pre-application support.

Question 1d

Do you support any of the alternative options we have set out in Part 3, Annex C, Proposal 1, or do you have any other proposals? If so, please explain and provide reasons for your view.

  1. We have also considered alternative options for some of the individual information requirements proposed within the section 3(5) Notice. These information requirements and the alternatives we have considered are explored in Proposals 2, 3 and 4, alongside explanations of why we think each requirement is appropriate. A summary is shown in Table 1 below. Each requirement addresses distinct aspects of our registration assessment and objectives, and our provisional view is that adopting only a subset of these requirements or adopting one of the alternatives we have considered for each requirement would fail to achieve our overall aims. For completeness we have also listed the proposed new initial conditions C5 and E7 and explained where respondents can find more information about the alternatives considered in relation to those proposals.

Table 1: Summary of new proposed submission requirements for a registration application and where alternative options have been considered

Registration requirement

Summary of submission requirements in the proposed section 3(5) Notice

Alternative options considered


  • A diagram of the provider’s corporate structure and ownership

Part 3: Annex C (Proposal 2d)

Financial information to assess initial condition D

  • Financial scenario planning, accompanying commentary and mitigating actions

Part 3: Annex C (Proposal 2a)

Financial information to assess initial condition D – during the registration process

  • Updated financial and student number tables
  • Detailed commentary to accompany the financial and student number tables to explain the data provided

Part 3: Annex C (Proposal 2b)

  • Audited financial statements for any financial years that are completed after the provider’s initial submission of its registration application

Part 3: Annex C (Proposal 2c)

List of matters to report during the registration process

  • Providers must report any of the specified matters arising within 28 working days of becoming aware of the matter for the duration of the assessment (from initial submission until a final decision is received)

Part 3: Annex C (Proposal 4)

Proposed initial condition C5

  • Template contract(s) that set out the terms and conditions for the provision of higher education
  • Template contract(s) between a student and the provider for specified ancillary services or facilities
  • Any policies under which the provider may make changes to courses, qualifications, modes of study, teaching location and facilities and course fees
  • Complaints process(es)
  •  Refund and compensation policy
  • Initial condition C5 declaration form
  • Initial condition C5 submission checklist

Part 1: Annex B

Proposed initial condition E7

  • All documents that establish the provider and set out the rules governing how the provider is constituted and governed
  • Governing body documents
  • Risk and audit documents
  • Decision-making documents
  • Conflict of interests policy
  • Any other documents (including shareholder agreements) which contain rules which govern the operation of the provider’s governing body
  • Business plan
  • Policies or procedures that set out how the provider ensures individuals are fit and proper
  • Declaration stating whether the provider is aware of any indicative matters as listed in E7D.2 and E7D.4 of proposed initial condition E7 for any Relevant Individuals
  • Details of Relevant Individuals for fit and proper assessment
  • Document(s) that identify risks and corresponding mitigations relating to the prevention of fraud and protection of public funds (for example a risk register or relevant excerpts from a risk register)
  • Document(s) setting out the provider’s internal control processes relating to the prevention of fraud and protection of public funds
  • A whistleblowing policy
  • An anti-bribery policy
  • Fraud and public funding declaration form

Part 2: Annex B


  • Investigations declaration form

Part 3: Annex C (Proposal 3)


Question 1a: Do you agree or disagree with the proposal that the OfS should issue a decision under section 3(5) of HERA, which would establish the requirements for an application for OfS registration? Please give reasons for your answer.

Question 1b: Do you have any comments on the proposed section 3(5) Notice set out in Annex A of Part 3 of this consultation

Question 1c: Do you agree or disagree that the proposed pre-application support would be beneficial to a provider applying for OfS registration? Please explain why.

Question 1d: Do you support any of the alternative options we have set out in Part 3, Annex C, Proposal 1, or do you have any other proposals? If so, please explain and provide reasons for your view.

Respond to Part 3 of the consultation
Published 06 February 2025

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