
Consultation on the OfS’s approach to regulating students’ unions on free speech matters

Published 14 December 2023

Annex E: Glossary for this consultation

The Act

‘The Act’ refers to the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023.

Constituent institution

In relation to a registered higher education provider, any constituent college, school, hall or other institution of the provider.


The Higher Education and Research Act 2017.


‘Member’, in relation to a registered higher education provider, may include board members, faculty, staff, students and administrators. A member does not include a person who is a member of the provider solely because of having been a student of the provider.

‘Member’, in relation to a constituent institution of a registered higher education provider, may include board members, faculty, staff, students and administrators. A member does not include a person who is a member of the institution solely because of having been a student of the institution.

‘Member’, in relation to a students’ union which is a representative body and not an association (see section 20(1)(b) of the Education Act 1994), means those whom it is the purpose of the union to represent, excluding any student who has signified that they do not wish to be represented by it.


Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA).

Registered higher education provider and governing body

A registered higher education provider that is eligible for financial support is a registered higher education provider that is an eligible higher education provider for the purposes of section 39 of HERA. These providers are registered in the OfS’s ‘Approved (fee cap)’ registration category.

Registered higher education provider that is eligible for financial support 

A registered higher education provider that is eligible for financial support is a registered higher education provider that is an eligible higher education provider for the purposes of section 39 of HERA. These providers are registered in the OfS’s ‘Approved (fee cap)’ registration category.

Registered in the Approved (fee cap) category

Higher education providers registered with the Office for Students, are registered in one of two categories: Approved and Approved (fee cap). Providers registered in the Approved (fee cap) category are eligible for certain benefits. See our website for more detail.42 

Relevant students’ union

A students’ union at a registered higher education provider that is eligible for financial support. This does not include a students’ union for students at a constituent institution of such a provider.

Students’ unions

‘Students’ union’ has the same meaning as it has in Part 2 of the Education Act 1994 in relation to establishments to which that Part applies (see section 20 of that Act).

[42] See Benefits of registration 

Published 14 December 2023

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