Subcontractual partnership student outcomes dashboard
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About the dashboard
The pilot subcontractual partnership student outcomes dashboard shows data for a small number of providers involved in large partnership arrangements. We are showing data from six 'lead' providers who are subcontracting out to 17 'delivery' partners. It contains information on student outcome measures and reports an overall indicator and academic year split indicators.
The subcontractual partnership student outcomes data dashboard is populated with the following student outcomes measures:
- Continuation: The proportion of students that were observed to be continuing in the study of a higher education qualification (or have gained a qualification) one year and 15 days after they started their course (two years and 15 days for part-time students).
- Completion: The proportion of students that were observed to have gained a higher education qualification (or were continuing in the study of a qualification) four years and 15 days after they started their course (six years and 15 days for part-time students).
- Progression: The proportion of qualifiers that identify managerial or professional employment, further study or other positive outcomes among the activities that they were undertaking when responding to the Graduate Outcomes survey 15 months after they left higher education.
We have also published 'size and shape' data alongside the subcontractual partnerships student outcomes dashboard in order to provide additional contextual information. This data includes:
- the provider's size
- the types of courses it offers
- the mix of subjects it offers
- the characteristics of its students.
To support users to navigate and interact with the data dashboards, we have published:
- a dashboard user guide
- a series of frequently asked questions
- the indicators included in this dashboard in a tabular format - see Get the data
- size and shape data for the providers in this dashboard in a tabular format – see Get the data.
About the data
A subcontractual partnership is when a university or college allows another organisation to deliver all or part of a higher education course on its behalf.
In a subcontractual partnership, students are registered at and receive their qualification from the lead provider – in this context, a university or college registered with the OfS – but are taught for some or all of their course at another institution – the delivery partner, which might be registered or unregistered with the OfS.
In line with our increased focus on subcontractual (or franchised) courses, we have created a pilot dashboard showing student outcomes for a group of larger partnerships.
Many universities and colleges in England subcontract some of their teaching to external organisations. Increasingly, concerns have been raised about some elements of this provision. In response to this, we are publishing student outcomes data on individual subcontractual providers.
The subcontractual partnership student outcomes dashboard and associated data files are based on a common set of student outcomes data indicators we construct and publish for use in our regulation.
These are produced in the same way for each provider we regulate, using available national datasets and consistent definitions and approaches to data. The data definitions and approaches used follow the construction of student outcomes data indicators for use in our regulation and a consultation with relevant lead and delivery providers.
Common queries about the data presented in this dashboard can be found in our frequently asked questions.
Details of the data sources, definitions and methods that the OfS uses to construct student outcome indicators can be found in documents describing our measures and definitions.
We plan to publish student outcomes for all subcontractual partnerships on an annual basis from 2025. We will continue to consider any improvements we could make to ensure the information is as helpful and accessible as possible. Feedback on this dashboard can be sent to
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