Supplying data
We use individualised and aggregate student data to inform and monitor funding allocations and to produce target lists, metrics and other data summaries.
Some data, such as the Higher Education Students Early Statistics Survey (HESES), is submitted directly to us via the provider portal; some data is delivered via other organisations, such as the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
We offer guidance for people working at providers who are responsible for returning student data to us or to HESA or the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
We produce data checking tools to help providers to verify their HESA and Individualised Learner Record (ILR) data and return accurate individualised student data.
We explain the outputs that we generate from providers' data. Generating these outputs sometimes involves linking to other datasets, to improve our understanding while reducing the data collection burden on students and providers.
Contact us
If you are unsure about how you should supply data to us please contact us at [email protected].
Please note that individualised data should never be sent to us by email.
20 January 2022 - Added link through to 'Approach to linking data' page.
26 May 2020 - Exceptional guidance for 2019-20 Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and HESA collections added
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