Supplying data
Late submissions and extension requests
We do not routinely offer extensions to deadlines for information requirements made under conditions F3 and F4. We will consider granting an extension to a provider in exceptional circumstances if you follow the steps set out here.
If you will be late submitting information, you should notify us as soon as possible by emailing [email protected]. This email should include:
- the data return that will be late
- the reason for missing the original deadline
- a specific date on which you intend to submit the required information
- the actions you will take to prevent future late submission.
The notification of late submission must be agreed by your accountable officer. Either the accountable officer should send the notification, or the accountable officer should be copied into the notification with confirmation that they have agreed to the late submission.
If you fail to request an extension until after the deadline for submission has expired, then you may already be in breach of your conditions of registration. We will consider the information provided and act proportionately when determining any regulatory response to a late submission.
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