TEF data dashboard
The TEF dashboard has been updated with the latest available data and we expect to update it annually, to inform the improvements in teaching quality that providers make. The TEF data dashboards published in September 2022 informed assessments in the 2023 TEF
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About the dashboard
The TEF data dashboards published in September 2022 informed the assessment of providers in the 2023 TEF.
We expect the outcomes from the 2023 TEF to last for four years. There will be no further assessments in this time.
We have updated the TEF dashboard with the latest available data and we expect to update it annually, to inform the improvements in teaching quality that providers make.
The dashboard covers all registered providers in England, whether they are required to (or choose to) participate in the TEF or not.
The dashboard includes changes to the student experience indicators due to changes to the NSS introduced in the 2023 survey. The indicators cover the full set of NSS themes, but that does not imply that all these measures will be used in the next TEF exercise.
What does the dashboard show?
The TEF data dashboard contains student experience and outcome measures for individual providers.
The TEF data dashboards published in September 2022 informed assessments in the 2023 TEF, alongside evidence submitted by the provider and, where available, from the provider’s students. Please see Regulatory advice 22: Guidance on the Teaching Excellence Framework 2023 for more information on how the TEF panel considered these different sources of evidence.
The updated dashboard published in July 2024 is intended to inform the improvements in teaching quality that providers make. We expect to confirm what indicators will be used to inform the 2027 TEF before the start of the 2027 exercise.
The dashboard is populated with the following student outcomes and experience measures:
- Continuation: The proportion of students who were observed to be continuing in the study of a higher education qualification (or have gained a qualification) one year and 15 days after they started their course (two years and 15 days for part-time students)
- Completion: The proportion of students who were observed to have gained a higher education qualification (or were continuing in the study of a qualification) four years and 15 days after they started their course (six years and 15 days for part-time students).
- Progression: The proportion of qualifiers who identify managerial or professional employment, further study or other positive outcomes among the activities that they were undertaking when responding to the Graduate Outcomes survey 15 months after they left higher education.
- Student experience measures: The level of agreement indicated among final year students to the range of statements that comprise an area, or scale, of the National Student Survey asking about different aspects of their higher education experience.
To support users to navigate and interact with the dashboard, we have published:
- a dashboard user guide
- a series of frequently asked questions
- the indicators included in this dashboard in a tabular format - see Get the data.
About the data
The TEF data dashboard and associated data files are based on a common set of student outcome and experience data indicators we construct and publish for use in our regulation.
These are produced in the same way for each provider we regulate, using available national datasets and consistent definitions and approaches to data. The data definitions and approaches used follow from our consultation on the construction of student outcome and experience data indicators for use in our regulation.
Common queries about the data presented in this dashboard can be found in our frequently asked questions.
Details of the data sources, definitions and methods that the OfS uses to construct student outcome and experience indicators can be found in archived documents that were published in September 2022 describing our measures and definitions.

Last updated 25 July 2024 + show all updates
25 July 2024 - We have added further information about how the TEF data dashboards are used.
12 April 2023 - Minor update to refer to documents now archived
07 October 2022 - Added link to Regulatory advice 22: Guidance on the Teaching Excellence Framework 2023
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