Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education
Evaluating TASO
Ensuring that evidence and evaluation are being used effectively by both the OfS and higher education providers is important to drive improvements in access and participation. It is important that we understand the impact of our investment and how TASO is delivering against its aims and objectives.
We have commissioned Technopolis to undertake an independent evaluation until 2024 to understand the impact of TASO beyond the original grant funding.
Technopolis is working with TASO, the OfS, higher education providers and other 'What Works' centres to determine its impact.
The evaluation has so far used surveys and interviews with providers, relevant sector bodies and charities to understand the types of evidence being used and produced in relation to access and participation activity, as well as understand their awareness of and engagement with TASO.
For example, the graph below shows how providers have rated the importance of different activities that TASO undertakes:

Last updated 17 May 2023 + show all updates
17 May 2023 - Technopolis' survey to establish current use of evaluation and evidence in access and participation practice and the impact of TASO has now closed - details removed
13 March 2023 - Information about Technopolis' survey to establish current use of evaluation and evidence in access and participation practice and the impact of TASO
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