Students from low-income households
Students whose household income before attending university falls below a certain amount
Refers to the ethnic group that a person identifies themselves as belonging to.
This refers to the religion that people identify with, whether they believe in the religion or practice it.
First in family
This refers to a student whose parents or guardians do not have any experience of higher education.
Disabled students
This refers to students who have a disability.
Mature students
This refers to a student aged 21 or over (UCAS, OfS and HESA) or a student aged 25 or over (Student Finance England) at the point of entry to a higher education course.
Commuter students
This refers to students based on the distance or time they take to travel from their accommodation to their place of study.
Service children
This refers to a person ‘whose parent or carer serves in the Regular armed forces, or as a Reservist, or has done at any point during the first 25 years of that person’s life’.
Students reporting a sexual orientation of lesbian, gay, bisexual or ‘other’ and students reporting their gender identity as not the same as the sex registered at birth
The term LGBT+ is typically used in studies to refer to students who report their sexual orientation as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or of other minority sexualities and gender identities. Other terms used include ‘LGBTQ’ and ‘LGBTQ+’.
Estranged students
This refers to young people studying without the support and approval of a family network.
Students with parental responsibility
This refers to students with a parental responsibility for somebody aged 17 or under.
Care experienced students
This refers to students with experience of care, defined in different ways.
Young carers
This refers to a student that has unpaid caring responsibilities (other than parental caring responsibilities).
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