See all characteristics

Students with parental responsibility

This refers to students with a parental responsibility for somebody aged 17 or under.

Most studies use self-declaration but some studies use Department for Work and Pensions data that matches benefits related to caring for a child to the adult learner.

Key statistics

These students are likely to experience the following risks:

Risk 5 Risk 6 Risk 7 Risk 12

On a provider level:

UCAS provides information on whether or not a student identifies as having parental responsibilities. This is self-reported by the student. It can be matched to Individual Learner Records by a provider for internal database purposes.

Note: Definitions and the quality of each study vary.

Lyonette, C., Atfield, G., Behl, H., Gambin, L. (2015) ‘Tracking student mothers’ higher education participation and early career outcomes over time: initial choices and aspirations, HE experiences and career destinations’. Final report. Institute for Employment Research, University or Warwick, Coventry

Todd, A. (2024). ‘Research Report: Student-Parents' experiences of academic and non-academic support in UK Higher Education’. Zenodo.

Webber,L. and Dismore, H.(2020) ‘Mothers and higher education: balancing time, study and space’, Journal of Further and Higher Education,45(6), pp.803–817.

Published 18 January 2024

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