Capital funding

Approach for financial years 2022-23 to 2024-25

We will distribute capital funding for financial years 2022-23 to 2024-25 through both a small formula-based allocation together with a full bidding competition.

Providers eligible for financial support are those registered with us in the Approved (fee cap) category.

Formula-based allocations 2024-25

The formula will distribute funding to eligible providers whose allocation meets a minimum threshold of £10,000 and will be subject to a cap of £50,000 per provider.

How formula-based funding is calculated

We have calculated capital funding using student numbers reported in the HESES23 survey. Students are counted in terms of student full-time equivalents (FTEs), which are a measure of how much a student studies over a year, compared with someone studying full-time.

Providers receive a share of the budget available in proportion to weighted student FTEs.

We use providers' weighting factors that reflect those broad characteristics of their students which give rise to additional capital costs. Weighting factors include:

  • course characteristics and associated teaching costs
  • level of study (undergraduate or postgraduate)
  • additional support for successful outcomes for disabled students
  • higher costs faced by specialist institutions because of the nature of their provision.

Not all providers receive a capital grant. We only give a provider a capital allocation if their share will be more than £10,000.

Annual formula capital grants are made for (and have to be spent within) a specific financial year. For allocations made in July 2024, providers will have to spend funding by the end of March 2025. Annual formula capital grants for 2024-25 were subject to a cap of £50,000 per provider.

Allocations for 2024 were announced in two stages:

  • In March 2024, we released the formula capital allocations to those providers that were in receipt of an allocation subject to the cap of £50,000 per provider.
  • In July 2024, we released the formula capital allocations to all other providers that were in receipt of an allocation.

Full details can be found in our Formula capital funding: 2024 allocations publication. Annex A shows:

  • the formula capital allocations announced in 2024-25.

Bidding competition for capital funding for 2022-23 to 2024-25

The bidding competition for capital funding for 2022-23 to 2024-25 has now concluded. 

The bidding competition was open to all eligible providers (those registered with us in the Approved (fee cap) category), whether they have received a formula allocation or not.

We are distributing total funding of about £400 million over the three financial years (1 April to 31 March) 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25.

See the outcomes and decisions

Aims of the competition

Our aim in distributing capital funding through a competitive exercise is to enhance the learning experience of higher education students at providers, and to prioritise in particular:

  1. Facilities for high-cost science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects, healthcare disciplines and other technical subjects.
  2. Facilities that are designed to meet the specialist skills needs of industry and employers, including at Levels 4 and 5, and through degree apprenticeships.
  3. Facilities that will support the development of flexible provision and modes of delivery, including for part-time study, e-learning and blended learning, and higher education short course study.
  4. Capital expenditure that will demonstrate value for money and support environmental sustainability in reducing energy usage.

We believe these objectives will:

  • promote choice and opportunities for students in relation to high-cost subject areas that require specialist teaching facilities
  • support access to higher education for those who need more flexibility in how they study
  • help to meet the skills needs of students and employers.

For further detail, see Capital funding for financial years 2022-23 to 2024-25: Formula allocations and invitation to bid.

Other capital grants

We have committed about £50 million (over the three financial years) to meet existing commitments, support national facilities and regulatory initiatives and fund the annual formula capital allocation.

We are providing capital funding to Jisc, which provides UK universities and colleges with shared digital infrastructure and services, such as the superfast Janet Network. The capital grant to Jisc is to support network upgrades, cybersecurity and learning analytics.

We have provided capital funding for the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Data Futures programme and to support previous commitments arising from the former Higher Education Funding Council for England’s catalyst fund.

How capital funding is monitored

All providers that are in receipt of OfS formula or bidding competition capital funding will be required to report on their use of that funding at the end of each financial year and those reports may be subject to audit. Details about reporting requirements will be notified separately.

All funding allocated through the bidding competition must be spent in full, and in accordance with the terms and conditions, by 31 March 2025.

We are actively monitoring spend during this period and expect that any funding awarded by the OfS for a specific financial year to be spent during that year, and that the outlined scope and scale of the project is being delivered as intended.

See monitoring guidance for financial year 2024-25


If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Published 17 December 2021
Last updated 29 July 2024
29 July 2024
Information updated for 2024-25.
31 May 2023
Formula-based allocations information updated for 2023-24.
08 December 2022
Capital funding for financial years 2022-23 to 2024-25 (outcomes of bidding competition) published
16 May 2022
Information updated for 2022.
10 February 2022
Update to section 'How teaching capital funding is monitored' with new timeline and link to updated guidance.

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