How we regulate student outcomes

Evaluating our approach

In 2022, we revised our approach to regulating student outcomes (condition B3), which included setting numerical thresholds for continuation, completion and progression to help inform our monitoring of whether a higher education provider is delivering positive outcomes for its students.

We are evaluating the impact of this revised condition, to help inform how we design, operate and communicate our ongoing approach to regulating student outcomes.


For the first phase of this evaluation, we commissioned Shift Learning to conduct telephone interviews with providers to reflect on their views on the introduction of the new condition and how it is informing their work to deliver positive outcomes for students.

See the Shift Learning telephone interview report

We plan to continue the evaluation of the revised B3 condition over the coming months. This will enable us to understand the extent to which the revised condition and numerical thresholds are contributing to the improvement of student outcomes in English higher education.

Please keep an eye out on this page for future updates and findings on our evaluation of our approach. 

Published 25 July 2024

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