Guide to the OfS Register

How is Regulatory resources changing?

From 2018 to 2021, we published the OfS Register as a downloadable spreadsheet. This page explains how it has changed and our plans for further development.

A digital Register

In February 2022, we launched a digital version of the Register. This made the information on the spreadsheet available as a searchable set of web pages.

The new digital service:

  • covers information already published on the spreadsheet
  • is a 'beta' service, which means that it is new and we are still actively developing it. 

Beyond the current Register

As we develop the Register, we will consider how to extend the information it contains.

This will look at:

  • the need for any additional pieces of regulatory information
  • improvements to the design and functionality of the service.

We encourage users to give feedback on the service and will review the feedback as part of any changes we make.

Published 03 February 2022

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