Counter-terrorism - the Prevent duty

Other resources

The following links offer further information on Prevent for higher education (HE) providers.

Web filtering and monitoring

View technical guidance on web filtering and monitoring for the higher education sector, including effective practice case studies, in the context of the Prevent duty. This document was produced by HEFCE, the OfS’s predecessor as monitor of the Prevent duty in higher education, in collaboration with sector partners.

UK government

The Safe Campus Communities website, developed by Universities UK, is now closed and its content, including the HE-specific training package, has been moved to the website.

The Home Office

The Home Office has published a catalogue of training courses related to Prevent, as well as an e-learning training package on the Prevent duty.

Independent Higher Education

Independent Higher Education delivers training events on a number of topics, including the Prevent duty.

Committee of University Chairs

The Committee of University Chairs has published an illustrative practice note for governing bodies (and equivalent) regarding their role on Prevent.

The Education and Training Foundation

The Education and Training Foundation has developed good practice training that is relevant to the further education sector.

Charity Commission

There are a range of resources available from the Commission, including:

Chapter 5 of the Compliance Toolkit focuses on the risks around abuse of charities for extremist purposes.

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