Hear from postgraduates

Want to know what studying a postgraduate conversion course in AI and data science is like? Take a look at these case studies to find out the first-hand experiences of students.

Why have you chosen to study?

What tips would you give future students?


Hear from Gea, a University of Wolverhampton data science student, about what inspired her to do the course.

Queen Adiat explains how she aims to use her AI and data science master's degree to help charities and small businesses use data better.

Nse talks about the skills and experience she gained from an AI and data science masters' degree at Solent University.

Published 21 September 2021
Last updated 13 June 2023
13 June 2023
Three new case studies from the University of Bradford - Anabel, Lorna and Ifeanyi
05 December 2022
Page restructure and four new case studies
26 January 2022
Links to two new case studies added
06 December 2021
Melanie Denyer case study added

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