Value for money as a student

Consider your choices

It's important students consider their choices carefully and look at any information relevant to them.

Among many factors, students may want to think carefully about:

  • courses
  • the type of universities and colleges which run them (for example, whether they are multi-faculty, city-based, on a campus, or small and specialist)
  • course costs
  • the quality of teaching, and contact hours
  • levels of student satisfaction
  • graduate employment and earnings
  • accommodation and living costs
  • professional accreditation.

Not all these things will be important to everyone, so it’s important students can find reliable information which matters most to them.

To help students make sense of the information, we have published a new resource: Discover Uni.

This takes students through the information they may wish to consider when deciding what and where to study and how to find more information.

Visit Discover UniExternal link (Opens in a new tab or window)

Consumer protection

It's also important to know that, under consumer protection law, universities and colleges must give students clear, accurate and timely information about their course.

This covers information about:

  • course content and structure
  • all fees and any other costs associated with the course
  • any conditions students are bound by.

For more information about consumer protection for students, see the Competition and Markets Authority guidance.

Read the CMA guidanceExternal link (Opens in a new tab or window)
Published 07 January 2020

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