Around the world (of admissions) in 80 days
Vanessa Carlton travelled 1,000 miles. The Proclaimers walked 500 miles. However far you’ve travelled to study in England, the OfS wants to hear from you.
16 Mar 2020
Blog postYour search returned 211 results
Vanessa Carlton travelled 1,000 miles. The Proclaimers walked 500 miles. However far you’ve travelled to study in England, the OfS wants to hear from you.
16 Mar 2020
Blog postUniversities and colleges have made major strides in their desire to focus on the quality of the student experience and to become one of the key driving forces in ensuring greater social mobility. There is, though, still much work to do.
9 Mar 2020
Blog postThe Office for Students is reviewing the higher education admissions system in England and wants to hear your views.
6 Mar 2020
Blog postOn University Mental Health Day, Chris Millward announces the launch of a new funding competition and discusses the need for intersectional approaches in targeting support for mental health among students.
5 Mar 2020
Blog postTwo new reports add to a growing body of knowledge about the impact of access and participation activities and identify ways to overcome the challenges of evaluation.
18 Feb 2020
Blog postMartha Longdon discusses the OfS's approach to student engagement and the launch of our new strategy.
14 Feb 2020
Blog postNational Apprenticeship Week 2020 encourages us to ‘look beyond’ old preconceptions of apprenticeships. Dr Brooke Storer-Church discusses the increasing importance of degree apprenticeships to a diverse and inclusive higher education offer.
7 Feb 2020
Blog postOfS commissioned research made recommendations for promoting greater gender balance in nursing and healthcare courses. Rupert Maclaren, a student in diagnostic radiography tells his story.
4 Feb 2020
Blog postOne of the most influential people in the history of Title IX, the US anti-discrimination law, Dr Ann Olivarius discusses the Equality Act 2010.
9 Jan 2020
Blog postOur most recent Insight event focused on mental health among students, and harassment and sexual misconduct in higher education. Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Amy Norton, reflects on the event.
7 Jan 2020
Blog postDescribe your experience of using this website