We need to talk about poor provision
Being transparent about the existence of poor quality provision is essential if we are to tackle it effectively, says Nicola Dandridge.
20 Dec 2019
Blog postYour search returned 211 results
Being transparent about the existence of poor quality provision is essential if we are to tackle it effectively, says Nicola Dandridge.
20 Dec 2019
Blog postChris Millward responds to HEPI's report on social mobility and elite universities.
18 Dec 2019
Blog postChris Millward discusses the impact that the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP) is having, and looks at the next steps for the programme.
30 Oct 2019
Blog postNicola Dandridge discusses the devastating impact that harassment, hate crime, and sexual misconduct can have on students, and the OfS’s role in driving improved prevention and support.
23 Oct 2019
Blog postStatistics and analysis are important tools in helping us work towards equity in education and equality of opportunity for disabled students. It’s also vital we understand and listen to their lived experiences.
18 Oct 2019
Blog postStudent fees and public money fund higher education providers, but what should students and taxpayers get in return?
18 Oct 2019
Blog postAs the National Student Survey approaches its 15th year, there are plans for taking an in-depth look at its impact to date and outlining proposals for the biggest overhaul since its introduction.
17 Oct 2019
Blog postThe Office for Students has launched a competition to boost the numbers of artificial intelligence and data science graduates. Bill Mitchell emphasises the centrality of employer engagement and a credible student proposition to the design of course curricula.
16 Oct 2019
Blog postThere is little doubt that technology is developing faster than the UK workforce is able to adapt to it. Josie Fraser of the Open University argues that a new approach to employee training and development is required.
9 Oct 2019
Blog postFollowing the launch of a campaign to recruit members for the Disabled Students' Commission, Chris Millward explains the background to the new body, what it will do, and why it is needed.
8 Oct 2019
Blog postDescribe your experience of using this website