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The future of collaborative outreach - Office for Students

Our Director for Fair Access and Participation reflects on his recent speech at the UUK access, participation and student success conference, the OfS’s vision for the future of collaborative outreach and the theory of change that underpins it.

New year, new NSS - Office for Students

For over 15 years the National Student Survey (NSS) has been an important indicator of student views. January 2023 sees the introduction of the new questionnaire.

Motivating factors - Office for Students

Why do people choose degree apprenticeships? A new report looks for the first time at the motivations of degree apprentices.

Choice decisions - Office for Students

Making the right choice is difficult at the best of times. But when what you are choosing could make a huge difference to the rest of your life it is important that choice is well-informed.

Why grade inflation matters - Office for Students

The credibility and value of the qualifications awarded by higher education providers matters greatly to students, their families, employers and other stakeholders. And it matters too for the international reputation of the English higher education

Improving the financial data we collect - Office for Students

In the context of the financial challenges facing the higher education sector, David Smy sets out the changes we are making to the financial information we collect from higher education providers to make sure we understand the impact of these risks.

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