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Your search returned 193 results

Evaluation in a time of crisis - Office for Students

Our respective journeys through the higher education access and participation evaluation landscape began some years ago at the Office for Fair Access (OFFA). It’s probably fair to say that in those days, evaluation was not as well embedded in

Freedom to question, challenge and debate - Office for Students

‘Students will not have a high quality education if that education is not grounded in freedom of expression.’ Our chief executive, Susan Lapworth, explains how free speech is essential for quality and equality of opportunity in higher education.

A 'Flying Start' to university study - Office for Students

Promising signs for the OfS-funded Intervention for success project are that a new ‘Flying Start’ to academic study promoted a stronger sense of belonging amongst 900 undergraduates at the University of Huddersfield during the Autumn term 2017.

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