Why students should join our panel

Our student panel plays a critical role. Here's why students should get involved.

Why students should join our student panel

Since the OfS was established in January, 2018, our student panel has played a critical role in advising us across a range of issues.

Each year we are committed to recruiting new panel members, and we are delighted to be launching today the recruitment for our new panellists for 2019.

If you are interested in shaping the work of the OfS from the student perspective, then we would like to hear from you.

What is the OfS student panel?

The panel is a group of around twelve students who meet regularly throughout the year to advise the OfS and ensure that students’ interests are reflected in everything we do.

The group includes current undergraduates and postgraduates from a range of institutions - full-time and part-time, domestic and international - as well as prospective students and recent graduates.

The panel is chaired by Martha Longdon, who also sits on the OfS board as the student representative.

 'It’s been really rewarding to work with the OfS staff, and gratifying to see how seriously the organisation have taken our input… Personally, a highlight has been getting to know the other panellists, who are all amazing people who bring different experience and distinct perspectives to the panel.' Chad Allen – Student Panel Member

What did the student panel achieve in 2018?

In the past year, the panel has advised us in our work on value for money; information, advice and guidance for students; and our student engagement strategy, among other things.

Panellists have provided insight into a diverse range of student perspectives, ensuring that students’ views are a prominent part of what we do.

'Being on the student panel has allowed me to voice the views of marginalised students directly to the people making changes without a filter. It is empowering, insightful and enjoyable with a range of opportunities supporting me to grow. I love it!' Zahra Choudhry – Student Panel Member

We are pleased to retain eight student panel members from the 2018 panel who will continue in their roles, and excited to be recruiting additional members to bring valuable new perspectives to our work.

What’s on the agenda for the student panel in 2019?

In many ways, this will be for the panel themselves to decide! But it is clear that the OfS is still a new organisation and there are a whole host of areas where we are still defining what we do in a dynamic and changing environment.

This is the time to get involved if you want to contribute towards shaping the agenda in English higher education, so that we put students’ interests – short, medium and long term – at the heart of our work.

We welcome applications from all current, recent and future students, no matter how you are studying, or your stage of study and regardless of previous experience.

This year we are particularly keen to hear from students with experience of studying at small and specialist providers, or who have pursued higher education in a further education setting.

If you have experience of living in care or of being estranged, we would particularly welcome an application from you.

See how to apply

Applications close at midnight on Sunday 27 January 2019.

If you have any queries, please contact


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