An online event for audit committee chairs to discuss their role in mitigating risks we have identified relating to the use of delivery partners.

Our chief executive, Susan Lapworth, will introduce the event and highlight the OfS’s role in regulating universities and colleges, with a focus on ensuring public funding is being paid out appropriately.
Our Head of Provider Governance, Rowena Rowley, will present a case study to outline:
- the importance of having adequate internal controls in place in relation to the oversight of partnership arrangements; including the registration, enrolment and attendance monitoring of students, and the submission of accurate data to the OfS, Student Loans Company and other bodies
- the importance of having clear delegations in place to approve partnership arrangements, and robust processes to avoid conflicts of interests
- the role of the audit committee in relation to identifying risks, and possible mitigations
- the emerging risks that we are seeing across the sector in relation to partnership arrangements and the potential adverse impact on universities and colleges when these risks are not addressed.
The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session hosted by Rowena and Director of Monitoring and Intervention, David Smy.
This event will focus on issues relating to partnerships with UK-based delivery partners.
Who should attend?
This event is for chairs of audit committees at higher education providers and for audit firm partners involved in auditing universities and colleges.
This event is particularly relevant for audit committee chairs of universities and colleges that are currently delivering teaching to students via partnership arrangements in the UK, or intending to do so.
How to register
This event will take place on Zoom. Use the link below to register by 1700 on Thursday 25 May:
Additional information
Privacy: Read our privacy notice.
Contact us: If you have any questions about this event, contact us at [email protected].