Harassment and sexual misconduct consultation workshop - Manchester session one

This interactive session explored the proposals in the Office for Students’ consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct in higher education.

Five students sitting in a library around a laptop working together

The workshop reflected on the proposals set out in our consultation document, and considered:

  • the statement of expectations
  • the OfS’s regulatory approach
  • aligning proposals with existing practice.

There was also a short question and answer session.

Who should attend?

These sessions covered the OfS's regulatory approach in some detail. As such the sessions were particularly suitable for staff who are responsible for these priorities at English higher education providers.

Third sector organisations, higher education sector bodies and others with an interest in preventing and addressing harassment and sexual misconduct affecting students in English higher education were also welcome to attend.

Find out more about our consultation on harassment and sexual misconduct in higher education.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact us at .

Published 21 January 2020
Last updated 19 March 2020
19 March 2020
Wording updated as event has passed
21 February 2020
Registration closed

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