A series of presentations and webinars for staff at higher education providers who will be completing the Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES) data return in 2023, aimed at those who are new to HESES and those wanting to refresh their knowledge.

Who should attend?
HESES webinars are open to all providers (including further education and sixth form colleges and academies) that are registered or have applied to be registered with the OfS in the Approved (fee cap) category. These providers will be required to return the HESES23 data return in November and December 2023.
The webinars and recordings in this series are for people who will be completing HESES for the first time, or those who need a back-to-basics introduction.
If you are already experienced with the HESES data return, you may prefer to attend our ‘HESES23: essential updates for experienced staff’ webinar.
You do not need previous knowledge of the HESES return, but we recommend that you know about the types of higher education courses at your provider (for example, how and when they are delivered), as well as your provider's data collection systems.
There were two pre-recorded presentations and two online live events. Videos of all four webinars will be available to watch throughout the HESES23 return period.
1. Introduction to OfS funding and HESES23
2. Categorising your students using HESES23 definitions
Date: 19 September 2023
3. Identifying and counting students to be included in HESES23
Date: 21 September 2023
4. Submitting and verifying your HESES23 workbook
Additional information
About HESES: read documentation on our funding:
- Funding for providers
- Other HESES training materials
- We will publish detailed HESES23 guidance in September 2023.
If you have any questions about HESES or the content of these presentations, please email [email protected].
If you have any questions about our events, please contact [email protected].