Six workshops to enable stakeholders to contribute to the NSS review.

Places for these workshops are now fully booked. We are exploring additional stakeholder activities for the NSS review and will communicate these shortly. Please do get in touch with [email protected] if you have any queries.
The National Student Survey (NSS) is the largest student feedback survey in the UK. Every full-time undergraduate student is invited to complete the NSS at the end of their course. The UK higher education funders and regulators are currently reviewing the NSS. These workshops will focus on exploring future potential question themes for consideration within the review. Find more about the NSS review.
The NSS is currently used:
- to inform applicants about the student experience in higher education
- to improve the student academic experience at universities and colleges
- for public accountability.
Your views will inform the development of future question themes, which will support students to make better informed decisions and have their voices heard.
Participating in one of these workshops will give you the opportunity to inform important areas of national higher education policy and improve the experience of students. These workshops form a part of the consultation process on changes to the NSS. There will also be further opportunities to engage.
Workshop slots
Please only sign up to one of the workshops for each topic below.
Student information
1300-1500 Monday 17 May
1100-1300 Friday 21 May
Academic enhancement
1300-1500 Monday 24 May
1100-1300 Friday 28 May
Public accountability
1300-1500 Thursday 10 June
1100-1300 Friday 11 June
Who should attend?
These workshops are for anyone with an interest in the NSS or higher education, including students and students’ unions.
How to register
Further information
For more information, see our review of the NSS.
If you have any questions or need any support, please email [email protected].