Proposed reforms to OfS registration requirements: have your say

Join us and share your thoughts on how our registration requirements should work for the future.

We're reviewing our approach to assessing providers seeking registration. We are proposing two new initial conditions of registration relating to treating students fairly and effective governance, as well as changes to registration requirements.

These proposals are intended to:

  • make our registration assessments more efficient to allow well-prepared providers to register as quickly as possible
  • ensure that the process for registering well-prepared providers is not overly burdensome, by asking them for information they already have
  • ensure our registration requirements are clear
  • make our refusal process quicker and more effective at identifying and refusing applications from providers that are not ready to register.

Find out more about the proposals

What to expect

These sessions will be open, interactive discussions about our proposed reforms. You will find out more about our proposals and the thinking that lies behind them. We will give a short presentation and will then invite you to share your views and ask questions. Your feedback will inform the development of our final proposals.

Who should attend

We are particularly (but not only) interested in hearing from students, staff, academics and leaders at higher education providers that are interested in applying to register with the OfS. We welcome the views of all types and sizes of provider but are particularly interested in hearing from:

  • any provider that may want to offer courses funded by the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE)
  • any provider currently teaching higher education courses on behalf of another provider through a subcontractual (franchise) arrangement
  • registered providers that have, or are thinking about, subcontracting any of their higher education courses to another provider through a subcontractual (franchise) arrangement
  • registered providers that may wish to change their category of registration in the future.

We are interested in the views of further education colleges, employers, third sector organisations, policy bodies, and others with an interest in the areas on which we are consulting.

We would also welcome views from students or prospective students, particularly those studying at (or considering study at) providers that are not currently registered with the OfS.

How to register

There are two online events to choose from:

  • Wednesday 2 April, 1100–1300
  • Wednesday 9 April, 1000–1200
Register for 2 April Register for 9 April

This event will be recorded so that comments made during the event can be incorporated as formal feedback on the consultation. The recording will not be published but transcribed comments may be. These comments will be anonymised and will not be attributed to specific individuals.

Privacy: You can read the ‘Attending an OfS webinar or other online event’ section of our general privacy notice, which explains in more detail how and why your personal data will be used for these events.

Accessibility: Contact our events team if you need to discuss accessibility before the event.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our events, contact

[email protected]

Published 18 March 2025

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