We hosted two discussions with senior staff at higher education providers to understand how National Student Survey (NSS) data is used to improve the student academic experience.

The NSS is the largest student feedback survey in the UK. Every full-time undergraduate student is invited to complete the NSS at the end of their course.
The NSS is currently used:
- to inform applicants about the student experience in higher education
- to improve the student academic experience at universities and colleges
- for public accountability.
The UK higher education funding and regulatory bodies are currently in phase two of reviewing the NSS. This stage of the review is exploring the questions the survey should pose to students, and the publication of data we obtain from the NSS. The aim of this work is to ensure that the NSS remains fit for purpose, and that it continues to support regulation and student information across all four countries of the UK.
About the roundtables
We hosted two roundtable discussions on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 June 2022.
The aim of the roundtables was for the OfS and UK funding and regulatory bodies to understand:
- how staff at providers currently use the available NSS data to improve the student academic experience
- what and how the NSS data should be presented publicly and on the NSS results portal
- what support and guidance is required to use NSS data
- how we can encourage responsible use of NSS data
- what NSS data is not available and how this would be useful
- how we can remove burden on users of the NSS data.
Participation will inform the development of the UK-wide consultation on the NSS data and dissemination in summer 2022.
If you missed out on this event, find out more about how you can inform our review of the NSS.
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