New research on sector view of the OfS

Survey of senior staff at universities and colleges find improved perceptions of Office for Students (OfS) and identifies areas to progress further.

Illustration of different methods of communication

Independent research commissioned by the OfS has found perceptions of the OfS's engagement and communications has improved in the past eighteen months. The research, conducted by Shift Learning, was based on 44 interviews with vice chancellors, principals and other senior staff at institutions regulated by the OfS. A number of positive themes emerge from the research, as well as insights into how the OfS can continue to improve its relationship with the sector, including making more opportunities for two-way engagement and further tailoring its communications.

The report finds:

'The majority of participants recognised changes in OfS communication approaches and felt that there had been overall improvement in the quality of engagement. Participants were asked to rate the quality of OfS engagement two years ago and their current experiences, on a scale of 1-100 where 100 is ‘completely where you would like the OfS to be’. Respondents indicated on average that two years ago, their rating would have been 38 out of 100 but that their rating was now 55 out of 100, suggesting a notable perceived improvement over this time. Over half of participants said that the OfS had got ‘somewhat better’ in terms of the way in which it engages with the sector.

'Changes made to OfS communication channels were generally received positively, as a step towards greater engagement with the sector. However, many participants felt that there was further room to build on these improvements. Participants largely saw OfS communications as functional and informative but felt there was a lack of opportunities for dialogue, which was seen as fundamental to developing two-way engagement.

'In general, there were differences in perceptions of positive change between those participants who had an opportunity for direct, human contact with OfS staff, who were considered helpful, and those who had encountered issues to which OfS responses had largely been via email. Perhaps relatedly, the OfS made a positive impression where it was seen to have listened to and taken on board providers’ suggestions.'

Susan Lapworth, chief executive of the OfS, said:

'Two-way, trust-based, relationships with the institutions we regulate are an important foundation for effective regulation. This research demonstrates the significant progress the OfS has made towards this goal over the past 18 months.

'I'm pleased to see positive feedback about our direct engagement with vice chancellors and principals through our regular mailings and briefings. Our programme of visits to institutions has helped to broaden OfS colleagues' understanding of the diverse sector we regulate. And we’ve engaged extensively with universities and colleges – and sector bodies – on changes to our regulation and the development of our new strategy.

'But we're not complacent and there's more to do. We recognise, for example, that a need for precise language has sometimes led to correspondence feeling too formal. We're keen to extend opportunities for richer dialogue in our briefings. And we want to go further to tailor our communications with different types of institutions to increase their value.

'All regulators have to tread a careful line in their communication and engagement with the organisations they regulate. A universally popular regulator is unlikely to be effective. But we recognise the concerns that have been raised, and are grateful to those who participated in this research for their constructive comments.'

Read the full report
Published 24 October 2024

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