The Office for Students (OfS) has today written to universities and colleges with details of additional funding of £20 million to help to address student hardship.

This funding has been made available by the government to recognise the particular impact this year on individual students arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The £20 million allocation will be distributed as follows:
- £14.9 million (74.5 per cent) pro rata to our allocations through the 2020-21 full-time student premium
- £2.0 million (10 per cent) pro rata to our allocations through the 2020-21 part-time student premium
- £3.1 million (15.5 per cent) pro rata to our allocations through the 2020-21 disabled students premium.
This approach reflects the priorities set out by guidance received from DfE earlier this week.
For more details please see the letter sent to providers today.