The Times and Daily Mail report on new plans to tackle grade inflation.
The UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment has published a statement outlining the steps which the higher education sector will take to tackle unexplained grade inflation.
Responding, Nicola Dandridge, chief executive of the Office for Students, said:
'This is a welcome statement of intent which shows that universities recognise the need to ensure that degree standards are maintained, and can be trusted by students and employers alike. We have made clear that universities and other higher education providers need to tackle grade inflation.
'Our own research on this issue showed that there has been significant and unexplained grade inflation in recent years. The Office for Students has been clear that measured but decisive action is necessary to ensure that students, graduates and employers have confidence in the manner in which degrees are awarded. The statement contains a range of actions which universities can put in place for the 2019-2020 academic year. With work also underway on a common degree classification framework there are clear and positive signs that the sector as a whole intends to tackle this issue.'
The OfS was mentioned in articles in The Times and Daily Mail.