Five new students will join our student panel for 2019.

Following an open recruitment process, the OfS has appointed five new members to its student panel, which meets regularly throughout the year to advise the OfS and ensure that students’ interests are reflected in everything we do.
The new panellists are:
- Georgia Bell, who is a production design student and president of the students’ union at the Northern School of Art
- Rose Bennett, who is a Masters student and is now Student Experience Officer (Postgraduate) at the University of Birmingham
- Samuel Dedman, who is a history graduate and vice-president education at the University of Southampton students’ union
- Sabrina Mundtazir, who is a student nurse at the University of Huddersfield and a care leaver
- Joshua Sanderson-Kirk, who is president of the student association at the University of Law and chair of the GuildHE student unions’ network.
The new panellists will take up their posts from March and will, along with the panellists who are continuing from 2018, meet at least four times throughout the next year. Meetings will be chaired by Martha Longdon, the student experience member of the OfS board. Martha said:
'The newly appointed panellists were excellent candidates in a very strong field. Their unique perspectives will complement the expertise of the existing panel, which will inform the work of the OfS and shape sector policy. I look forward to working with the new and returning panellists over the coming year.'
Nicola Dandridge, chief executive of the OfS, said:
'I am delighted to welcome the new members of our OfS student panel. They were selected from a very strong field, and I know they will make an outstanding contribution to the work of the panel in ensuring that the OfS has significant and demonstrable impact on the experience of all students.'
Megan Dunn, Xenia Levantis, Stuart Cannell and Luke Renwick are stepping down from the student panel for 2019. We would like to thank them for all their hard work over the last year.