
Consultation on OfS strategy for 2025 to 2030

Last updated: 21 February 2025

‘I statements’

‘I statements’ are a vehicle for communicating the future we want to bring about. They are intended to describe what achieving our strategic objectives will look and feel like for students, institutions, taxpayers and employers in a clear and accessible way. They do not track individual goals but instead describe the aggregate impact of our strategy from the perspective of our key stakeholders.

‘I statements’ are weighted towards students, as the primary beneficiaries of our proposed strategy.

  • My course is well organised and delivered, enabling me to acquire knowledge and develop skills relevant to my subject area.
  • I benefit from high quality resources and decent study spaces, and can access the equipment I need to participate fully in my course.
  • I get timely, constructive feedback and the academic support I need to improve.
  • I am fairly and effectively assessed, and confident that prospective employers will recognise the value of the qualification that I achieve.
  • I have access to the information and support I need to make an informed decision about which route into higher education is right for me.
  • I can choose from a range of high quality courses that suit my needs.
  • I understand my rights as a student and I know what to do if I feel I am not getting what I was promised from my institution.
  • I am treated fairly by my institution and my views are listened to and acted on appropriately by those in positions of power.
  • I’m getting what I was promised when I signed up for my course – my hopes and expectations when I chose it are being met.
  • If I see or experience harassment or sexual misconduct at my institution, I know what to do and am confident my institution will respond compassionately and effectively to protect students.
  • My institution recognises my needs outside of the classroom and takes reasonable steps to ensure I benefit from higher education in the round.
  • I can engage constructively and transparently with the OfS and am confident I won’t be taken by surprise.
  • I am confident my institution would be treated fairly should it encounter challenges.
  • I understand the OfS’s regulatory priorities and requirements and am confident its regulatory approach is driven by the interests of students and informed by the expertise in the higher education sector.
  • I am confident that public money is being put to good use in higher education.
  • I am proud of England’s higher education sector.
  • I know that when I employ a graduate I am gaining a highly qualified employee who is well prepared for the world of work.

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