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Our board and committees - Office for Students

Oscar currently works as a student experience officer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. ... Since 2021 Nick has served as independent Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Royal Society of Medicine.

Fair admissions and recruitment - Office for Students

To ensure that as many students as possible could take up their places this year, the government lifted the cap on places for domestic students in medicine, dentistry, and undergraduate teacher ... training. It also provided OfS teaching grant funding

Themes - Office for Students

The panel found that increased student numbers and space constraints at a provider appeared to lead to a whole day of online learning being regularly scheduled for students on its medicine

Recurrent funding - Office for Students

areas where teaching costs are particularly high (such as medicine). particular policy areas and government priorities (such as promoting equal opportunities).

Skills and the economy - Office for Students

Meanwhile, while 95.5 per cent of medicine and dentistry entrants are projected to find professional employment or further study, in six other subjects the rates are below 55 per cent. ... In response to guidance from the Secretary of State highlighting

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