2023-24 ILR data checking tool LC22 data summary technical document PDF 294Kb
Medicine and dentistry (CAH01-01) LCSBJ_CAH01_01. Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacy (CAH02-02) LCSBJ_CAH02_02.
2023-24 ILR data checking tool LC22 data summary technical document PDF 294Kb
Medicine and dentistry (CAH01-01) LCSBJ_CAH01_01. Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacy (CAH02-02) LCSBJ_CAH02_02.
Description of student outcome and experience measures used in OfS regulation PDF 2177Kb
Description of student outcome and experience measures used in OfS regulation Definition of measures and methods used to construct and present them. Reference OfS 2022.55. Enquiries to [email protected]. Publication date 30
Rebuilding student outcome and experience measures used in OfS ... PDF 975Kb
Rebuilding student. outcome and experience. measures used in OfS. regulation. 2024 rebuild instructions. Enquiries to [email protected]. Publication date 25 July 2024. mailto:[email protected]. 1.
Calculating student numbers: 2017-18 technical document PDF 539Kb
Aim Reference Service. For example, the value of SNTITLEHRS for the course listed as ‘Non regulated SFA formula funded provision, Entry level, Medicine and Dentistry, 389 to 580 hrs, PW B’ ... For. example, the value of SNTITLECREDITS for the course
2022-23 ILR data checking tool LC22 data summary technical document PDF 289Kb
Medicine and dentistry (CAH01-01) LCSBJ_CAH01_01. Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacy (CAH02-02) LCSBJ_CAH02_02.
HESA SA DCT HESES20 comparison technical document PDF 647Kb
HESMDV 94. This field identifies undergraduate pre-clinical and clinical medicine, dentistry and veterinary. ... science students. Value Description Definition. UMED Undergraduate pre-clinical or clinical medicine student.
2017-18 ILR Data checking tool: Student characteristics data summary ... PDF 654Kb
CAH01-01 Medicine and dentistry. CAH02-01 Nursing. CAH02-02 Pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacy. ... CAH02-03 Subjects allied to medicine not otherwise specified. CAH03-01 Biosciences. CAH03-02 Sport and exercise sciences.
Calculating student numbers Technical document PDF 497Kb
For example, the value of SNTITLEHRS for the course listed as ‘Non regulated SFA formula funded provision, Entry level, Medicine and Dentistry, 389 to 580 hrs, PW B’ would be 580. ... For example, the value of SNTITLECREDITS for the course listed as
TEF 2018-19 Subject-level pilot metrics. Technical algorithms. Enquiries to [email protected]. Publication date 21 November 2018. 2. Contents Purpose 5 Fields used in the generation of all the core metrics 8 TEFSOURCE 8 TEFCOMDATE
Subject of study (CAH2). Row value Rebuild algorithm. Medicine and dentistry (CAH01-01) IPSBJ_CAH2 = CAH01-01.
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