What value for whose money?
Student fees and public money fund higher education providers, but what should students and taxpayers get in return?
18 Oct 2019
Blog postYour search returned 206 results
Student fees and public money fund higher education providers, but what should students and taxpayers get in return?
18 Oct 2019
Blog postAs the National Student Survey approaches its 15th year, there are plans for taking an in-depth look at its impact to date and outlining proposals for the biggest overhaul since its introduction.
17 Oct 2019
Blog postThe Office for Students has launched a competition to boost the numbers of artificial intelligence and data science graduates. Bill Mitchell emphasises the centrality of employer engagement and a credible student proposition to the design of course curricula.
16 Oct 2019
Blog postThere is little doubt that technology is developing faster than the UK workforce is able to adapt to it. Josie Fraser of the Open University argues that a new approach to employee training and development is required.
9 Oct 2019
Blog postFollowing the launch of a campaign to recruit members for the Disabled Students' Commission, Chris Millward explains the background to the new body, what it will do, and why it is needed.
8 Oct 2019
Blog postMature students are turning away from nursing and specialist healthcare courses. Ed Hughes discusses how we need to work together to make sure they're supported.
20 Sep 2019
Blog postSusan Lapworth, our Director of Competition and Registration, describes arrangements for students at providers who have applied for registration but do not yet have a final decision, such as limited designation and teach out.
13 Sep 2019
Blog postToday sees the launch of a new student information website, Discover Uni. Emma Maskell reflects on her own, less-than-exemplary information experiences as a student and teacher.
12 Sep 2019
Blog postThat’s the plan, but first, we need to listen and learn… Cassie Agbehenu reflects on the development of the OfS's student engagement strategy.
10 Sep 2019
Blog postOfS student panellist Sam Dedman discusses what student engagement is and how you can make an impact at a national level by taking part in our student engagement survey.
4 Sep 2019
Blog postDescribe your experience of using this website