
Events from the Office for Students listed by year in date order.

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Identifying and counting students to be included in HESES21

The third in a series of training webinars for those that are new to completing the Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES) data return or those that would like to refresh their basic knowledge.


Categorising your students using HESES21 definitions

The second in a series of training webinars for those that are new to completing the Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES) data return or those that would like to refresh their basic knowledge.


Introduction to OfS funding and HESES21

The first of a series of training webinars for those that are new to completing the Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES) data return or those that would like to refresh their basic knowledge.


OfS Challenge Competition: Higher education short course trial

Ahead of Lifelong Loan Entitlement delivery from 2025, the Office for Students (OfS) is launching a Challenge Competition in August 2021 which will distribute funding for the development and delivery of new, short courses at Levels 4-6. This event was an opportunity to find out more about our plans for the funding competition to trial higher education short courses.


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