HESES21 training workshop

An interactive training session for those that are new completing the Higher Education Students Early Statistics (HESES) data return.

This workshop was part of the online training programme the OfS is providing on how to complete the HESES21 data return. For those who were completing HESES for the first time in 2021-22, we offered an interactive hands-on training workshop where we went through several exercises in small groups using a sample HESES21 workbook.   

Workshop resources

The main focus of the workshop was on entering data in the HESES workbook and examined:  

  • what the HESES workbook is and how it works  
  • how the HESES definitions apply to entering data in the workbook  
  • how to categorise student data and input it accurately into the workbook.  

If you're unsure of which HESES training event to attend this year, please watch the video below for more information.

Which HESES21 session should I attend?

Further details

If you have any questions about the workshop, please email [email protected].

See more information on recurrent funding and HESES.

Last updated 07 October 2021
07 October 2021
Workshop resources added

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