Securing student success: Regulatory framework for higher education in England
Last updated: 24 November 2022
Condition E4: The governing body of the provider must notify the OfS of any change of which it becomes aware which affects the accuracy of the information contained in the provider’s entry in the Register.
Applies to: all registered providers.
Initial or general ongoing condition: ongoing condition.
Legal basis: section 8 of HERA – mandatory.
The purpose of this condition is to ensure that the OfS is able to maintain its Register as an authoritative and accurate record of the providers for which it has regulatory oversight.
A provider must provide information whenever the information on the Register has become inaccurate. The provider is likely to be the primary source of updated information, and will be expected to be proactive in supplying this information.
The OfS requires a provider to inform it of any change within 28 days of the provider becoming aware of the change. This notification must be accompanied by any relevant supporting evidence to allow the OfS to verify that the change is required. The evidence required to verify a change will vary depending on the change, for example this might be the URL for a new website or proof of address where the contact address has changed. The OfS may ask for further information if it deems this necessary.
The OfS will update the Register with the latest information it has about a provider. Providers will be expected to notify the OfS if any of the changes the OfS has made to the Register have resulted in inaccurate information being published and to support this process, the OfS will require a provider to check and confirm its entry on the Register once a year.
The OfS may request information from a provider if it wishes to verify the accuracy of information displayed on the Register, or to investigate any concerns that may have been brought to its attention that information may be incorrect or out of date.
Where inaccurate information is identified, the OfS may require the provider to supply an explanation or commitment to correct the information within a timescale specified in correspondence.
Where the OfS finds evidence that information is incorrect through the provider’s mismanagement, negligence or deliberate intent to delay or conceal correct information from appearing, it may take appropriate action which may include putting in place enhanced monitoring or specific ongoing conditions requiring, for example, a provider to supply evidence that they have checked and verified the data on a regular basis. The OfS may consider whether behaviour of this type represents an increased risk of a breach of other conditions of registration such as those for information or management and management and governance.
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